Summer is over and I am going back to school. The past 14 or more months of life has flown by, since April 2006 when I finished school until now it seems unreal. It doesn't feel like that much time has passed, nor do I feel like too much has changed around me. Well thats not entirely true, good friends have returned from far places and they are an easy phone call or visit away. My brother has moved here and it has been great hanging out with him. I have had a great job with some good opportunities that have come may way and a family that supports me all along the way. I guess the biggest change I faced over the last year has been in myself. I have noticed a need in my heart for a stronger, deeper and closer relationship with God. And throughout this journey I have been taught to be less harsh on myself when I screw up, becuase God loves me and He always picks me up. He has taught me to rely on Him more then I did before, and He has helped me grow up... "play time is up" ya know, been there and now it's time to seek knowledge and wisdom from Him and learn from my classes instead of sleeping through them because I was hurt and angry and confused. But this is a new beginning a new start to be who God has called me here to be. Missions and full-time ministry... where ever He leads I will follow...
Classes will be good this year, and this relationship with God will be a great Journey forever...
Seek first His kingdom...
-Dan Nel