Thursday, February 24, 2005

Brain thoughts....

Since my last post I have not done much. However I have been stressed out a bit over some discisions for next year and where to work over the summer. My parents are moving to Alberta about 30 minutes from where I am, they moved an offer on a house this past week. No they are just waiting for there house to sell things can be finall. With them moving here it leaves me the option to live with them next year during the school year. It will definitaly save me alot of money and the commute is not that long. That does take away from living in res though and being part of the community, so it is a tough discision but i have to some thime to think about it I guess. I also need to work my but of this summer to pay of my line of credit in order to renew it for the next year. It should work out I just need to get a good paying job. I leave all these things in GOd's hands all I can do is apply at places and have Faith.
I have alot of school work and my last midterm next week, not to mension the assignment I have due for tommorow and the reading I need to do. But hey that is the life of a student hahahaha. After this semester is over I will stay in residence with a couple of guys for the summer and then decide wheter to move in with my parent or stay here. SO many things to think about.
THis year so far has gone by really fast. I have had some real dissapointments with my performance in school first semester atleast I didnt fail anything though. This semester I have definitally been working harder and I hope to bring my GPA up huge.
If you read my blog often please forgive the spelling english is my second language. I am south-african and moved to Canada in 1997. So my first language is AFrikaans.
Anyhoo I am gonna hit the books and get working...

Peace out

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