Thursday, April 14, 2005

It's been a while...

Well... School is almost over and the summer Work season will begin. I have to work my but of this summer to pay for school in September. ANyway Ii havn't blogged in a while becuase I moved appartments over the last few weeks so i didn't have internet. But im hooked up now and good to go. I am going home for like 10 days at the end of April to visit my family and to say my final goodbyes before I leave back here. I will be living on my own in downtown Calgary untill my parents move out here in June. When I get back from ontario I am going to start helping out at a new church I found and I really like called Dalhousie Community Church. It's not too far from where I am if I take the C-train. I am pumped to start helping out at a church agian. I missed it so much, and I havn't really found a church over my last school year. Hopefully this is the one, I really feel GOd calling me there. So yea I am gonna go there after I get back on May 4th.
I have three exams coming up tommorow and two next week. SO it's hardcore STUDY time... If you know what I mean!!
Anyhoo My dad is coming to town for business so I get to see him for a couple of days that will be fun. We are going to eat at the South-African Restuarant tommorow night. YAYH!! It will be a hoot!!
Im signing of getting ready to study...

Peace Out,

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