So today I was to start this new job that I went for an interview for on Monday. I get there and the guy who hired me and told me to come today wasn't there. So I was like okay.. Good start. Then I waited for like 15 minutes and this guy with the name "Ret" shows up... I know I have never heard such a name. But apparently the male character from Gone with the wind or something is called Rett. Moving Ret came to me and told me that he was to be my crew leader and such. I was satisfied with that and thought to myself, good... We can go on. Then he told me t go sit in a room and make myself comfortable for a while as he was to make a few phone calls. Soon after that he returned and he got me set up with some "gear" which were saftery glasses and a hard hat. Hehehe. He then told me that I'd have to fill out the paper work on a later day because Maury the guys who hired me wasn't there. So once again I was like ooookay... Why not. LOL
We then proceeded on to a site close by the mustard seed that we where working on. I started breaking some pillars down to the beams. As I was working away curiosity hit me and I thought to myself "I wonder what their benefits are like" the benefits Maury told me I would have after a while and that I specifically asked him about during our interview and he told me that I would get some after a while of working there. So at lunch break I went to the "Ret" and asked him about these sweet benefits... Hmmm he said followed by a giggle... Yeah "Maury just tells people that so they would start working here heheh" I was like what are you kidding me. What a joke... So the boss of the company, the guy who hired me lied to my face. ARRRGGG as you could imagine..Yes I had a little rage inside, so I called Maury and asked him about these wonderful benefits, and he completely denied that he told me that... SKETCHY I thought... I then proceeded on home. And that was the end of that job... Weird man I tell you.
Anyhow other then that today was a great rainy day... And I don't say that sarcastically, I love the rain. I whish that it rained more often some days. I had a sweet nap and got well rested. I then woke up and ate some delicious steak. mmmmmm
alright that's it for today folks, ya'll have a good thurs/fri...
oh, rhett butler...the true man, only the discovery of deep love came moments too late...riveting tale of love and loss ;)
um, anyways...that sucks about your job...but at least you can work at your old job until you find a better one, right?
sweet pic by the way
what's a ret?
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