I recently wrote a song about a time in my life where I was broken. Then it came to me that I have been broken for a very long time. It hasn't just been a while, then I realized how wonderful it is to be broken, and that the very word of God speaks about when we are weak/or feel we suck, God our father is strong/doesn't think we suck. I noticed and "looked back" in the past few months and realized that I have written more music in this time of being broken then ever before. It's like I finally see a little clearer why I a have been in this continueous "rut". I am glad and my tongue rejoices. However, I have spent so much time in the past two and a half years trying to figure out who I am and where I hope to be oneday, that I lost focus on who is goinng to show me and who is going to get me there.
Can you guess? Well his name starts with a capitol G.
God is showing me that I need to rely on Him so much more; and that my little world of discombobulated thoughts is so minute compared to what actually matters to Him. I feel great that I have realized this and that I can say it loud without being embarressed, I am admitting to the fact that I have been living a futuresentric life. Focused on the when more then the now and the how rather then the... who cares. If I strive for a life in God's will everyday then how will I be worried about tomorrow if all I need worry about is today. God will give me true peace about tomorrow and the weeks to come. I mean don't get me wrong, I need to be realistic too, and responsible. But I will have peace. Becuase essentially God will provide me sufficiently with what I need and what I do not. In His will we will be blessed.
Recently I have been feeling rather restles, sleeping too little a night and then being uber tired during the day; but it all makes so much sense now... I have realized that I need to bring this change of daily obedience into my life to God. And that... I will do, and He who is great will foresee the change.
Going to Bible School has opened my eyes to a mentality that isn't spoken of that much and not too many admit to it out loud (don't want to admit to it, becuase one might cross question ones mottives). Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to be rather a minimalist/discrete thing around the student body. What I am talking about is the fact that many people in BC (Bible College) has this idea that when they come here that they will eventually, but hopefully sooner then later meet someone to "get hitched with"(Many lean towards the sooner then later). Meaning that in the first few weeks of School (litteraly) when all the freshies get to res, it's like "PRIME TIME". I mean "holy crap"(I know crap isn't holy) it's like "speed dating". And then after a month or two the ordeal moves onto... oh yes "Let's get engaged'!!! WHAT! Yes, that is what I said aswell. How much can you really, I mean think hard...REALLY REALLY know about someone you have dated for 2 months and then think about marriage. (Once agian, I realize God divinely segrigates two people for one-another and then when they finally meet they "just know" it is the right thing to get married). I say Congragulations! And it's not a tonne of people who actually get engaged but many desire it to happen fast.
Hey I admit, that I myself was sucked into this Bible College mentality Scheme by just the simple psychological frame of "conforming".
It is so lame... The fact or thing that gets to me the most and please don't get me wrong I am not dissing or judging anyone's descisions in life, I am merely saying that for me looking back and seeing this happen was a bit over the edge. I mean yes I believe that God has created us all to long, I mean truly long for a significant other. Someone who will be our other half, whom presumably will make us feel whole. " I was reading "Searching for God knows what" - Donald miller... And he writes about Adam and Eve in the chapter titled "NAKED"... Miller expresses this whole significant other thing so beautifly. Adam waited for Eve for a long long time... He was alone for a long time... something like a hundred years... Afterall God himself gave Adam the task of naming EVERY SINGLE ANIMAL MADE!!! Miller, after doing some research found out there are like milions of diffrerent spieces af living animals. So yeah it must have taken Adam a long (understaded) time to name them all. And in all that time he was alone...no Eve by his side. Adam then spending so much time naming and studying ll these animals realized their need and reliance on one another. (Mating and so forth) Adam then realized how lonely he was, God knew of Adams longing to have something else or someone. Then after waiting along time God gives Adam his Eve...(but not after taking his rib) It's such a beautiful love story... It's poetic and divine, and ultimately brought about the "fall of humanity". But I guess what I am saying is that Adam waiting very long, in contentment for God to give Him an Eve, and like Miller says we have it easier becuase we are born with that lonnging for another, where Adam kinda had to figure it out himself.
This post is probably the longest I have written in a while, but I felt the need to express those things here tonight... Please don't misunderstand the above writing as an insult to those of you who got Married in a short time, like I said congratulations to you all... and may God truly bless your lives. I just needed to voice the Fact that God instills the feelings in us to want more, something, a life partner... but He wants us to know Him and love Him so we are ready to know Him and Love Him with someone else in the picture. He knows what we long for and what our deepest desires are. He is not foolish, He is JUST. I am so glad that I am still single and that I have come to realize this magnificant truth about God's word... I want to be as greatful with my future wife as Adam was when God gave him Eve... I want to wait untill God is ready to bless me with "her".
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. - Mathew 6:33...
Friends be patient (and I have to keep telling myself that as well) but Love is divine it is not a game.
1 Corinthians 13:4-10 (NIV)
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.
Oh yeah... The Lord is my refuge"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." - 2 Cor. 13-14
Happy thanksgiving
your bro in Him,
-Dan Nel

1 comment:
i love you too dan, you are a pro-star brother. do you know that lady smith black mambazo are performing in calgary on sunday night!? the tickets are like 40 bucks, though... wouldn't it be AMAZING?! let me know wha tyou think.
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