My light has turned on... things are making a little more sense, things about life that is. Things about today and what I seem to have control over tomorrow. Ultimately God is in control over everything now, later and what our past. Live for today and dream about tomorrow, but It's time to realize that life is not a fairy tale or some planned out set of events by us as humanity. I have realized that by living a future centric life I haven't been able to full enjoy "today" and be who I am to the fullest. But that change is underway it has taken my life by a storm, and it's scary yet feels amazing, like a new challenge or season should feel. I have butterflies in my stomach and feel excited to take on change, accept change. It is good.
here is a song that says it beautifully...
If you knew that you would die today,
Saw the face of God and love,
Would you change?
Would you change?
If you knew that love can break your heart
When you're down so low you cannot fall
Would you change?
Would you change?
How bad, how good does it need to get?
How many losses? How much regret?
What chain reaction would cause an effect?
Makes you turn around,
Makes you try to explain,
Makes you forgive and forget,
Makes you change?
Makes you change?
If you knew that you would be alone,
Knowing right, being wrong,
Would you change?
Would you change?
If you knew that you would find a truth
That brings up pain that can't be soothed
Would you change?
Would you change?
How bad, how good does it need to get?
How many losses? How much regret?
What chain reaction would cause an effect?
Makes you turn around,
Makes you try to explain,
Makes you forgive and forget,
Makes you change?
Makes you change?
Are you so upright you can't be bent?
If it comes to blows are you so sure you won't be crawling?
If not for the good, why risk falling?
Why risk falling?
If everything you think you know,
Makes your life unbearable,
Would you change?
Would you change?
If you'd broken every rule and vow,
And hard times come to bring you down,
Would you change?
Would you change?
If you knew that you would die today,
If you saw the face of God and love,
Would you change?
Would you change?
Would you change?
Would you change?
If you saw the face of God and love
If you saw the face of God and love
Would you change?
Would you change?
By: Tracy Chapman - "Change"
Anyhow, change is good folks... embrace it and love it.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Saturday, October 06, 2007
all along it was He...
I came home from work tonight after having a rather uneventful night or day at work... Things were kinda slow... I was totally just stressed out though today and just thought of all the work I have to do and the papers I have to on and so forth...
There is just so much on my mind these days, I sometimes wonder if God is feeling overloaded by the plethora of issues I have laid on Him in the last week... and that's just me what about the rest of the world... Last night I went out with a whole bunch of people to see a concert that was great... It helped with clearing my mind a bit... we at least temporarily. When I woke up this morning it seemed nothing has change and I was back to square one... Work came and work went and then I went home. Man! as soon as I set foot into my house I felt the Lords presence so genuinely it was a blissful moment. I sat down at my desk and checked my e-mail and what not... and then It hit me... I wasn't sure what it was but I couldn't say it nor could I grasp what this feeling meant, I have never experienced this. I spoke to God and asked Him if he was with me, and if He wanted to speak to me... I know it was a little scary and my heart was pounding... but there was no response just a immediate desire to play guitar... I know! kinda strange.
I picked up a guitar and just prayed and wondered if God wanted me to write a song. And yep I did, I wrote a song for God.
It talks about God's calling in my life for Mission work. It's written in the song... It's a song of thanks giving...
aaaaa (sigh)
God is great,
Good night friends and enjoy your thanks giving
Your Bro in Him,
-Dan Nel
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Worship, reading and one crapy movie!
This week has been great, I was doing worship on the worship team at my church, and it just felt great being able to serve again. It feels like ages has gone by since I last served at church, perhaps this is because I hadn't really found a home church until now. I took a while I guess... However now I am attending a great church with some awesome people and not to mention my family goes there too...this means a lot to me. So today was the day we played at church for two services so it was one early morning for me to get out to the church's location, but the drive alone is enough to feed me spiritually if you know what I mean...
Here is a pic of what you see when coming into the town... It's beautiful...
Aside from being able to play on the worhip team this week I have read a lot. Mostly for my classes though, there isn't much time for leasure reading when I'm in school, it kinda sucks. But other than that school is going well.
I went and saw "Mr. Woodcock" a new Billy Bob Thornton movie... it was so bad that we left the movie 20 minutes in. Oh man it was terrible. That's enough said about that though... I have just realized that I don't really wanna watch crappy movies anymore... I feel like I waste my life away when I have to sit there for two hours watching a crappy movie... so from now on I guess I'll try to do a little research before just going to see any movie... At least we got our money back hahah.
Anyhoo life is good and I'm thirsty so I am off to get a drink...
Have a good week people...
-Dan Nel
Here is a pic of what you see when coming into the town... It's beautiful...

I went and saw "Mr. Woodcock" a new Billy Bob Thornton movie... it was so bad that we left the movie 20 minutes in. Oh man it was terrible. That's enough said about that though... I have just realized that I don't really wanna watch crappy movies anymore... I feel like I waste my life away when I have to sit there for two hours watching a crappy movie... so from now on I guess I'll try to do a little research before just going to see any movie... At least we got our money back hahah.
Anyhoo life is good and I'm thirsty so I am off to get a drink...
Have a good week people...
-Dan Nel
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Back to the grind...
Summer is over and I am going back to school. The past 14 or more months of life has flown by, since April 2006 when I finished school until now it seems unreal. It doesn't feel like that much time has passed, nor do I feel like too much has changed around me. Well thats not entirely true, good friends have returned from far places and they are an easy phone call or visit away. My brother has moved here and it has been great hanging out with him. I have had a great job with some good opportunities that have come may way and a family that supports me all along the way. I guess the biggest change I faced over the last year has been in myself. I have noticed a need in my heart for a stronger, deeper and closer relationship with God. And throughout this journey I have been taught to be less harsh on myself when I screw up, becuase God loves me and He always picks me up. He has taught me to rely on Him more then I did before, and He has helped me grow up... "play time is up" ya know, been there and now it's time to seek knowledge and wisdom from Him and learn from my classes instead of sleeping through them because I was hurt and angry and confused. But this is a new beginning a new start to be who God has called me here to be. Missions and full-time ministry... where ever He leads I will follow...
Classes will be good this year, and this relationship with God will be a great Journey forever...
Seek first His kingdom...
-Dan Nel
Classes will be good this year, and this relationship with God will be a great Journey forever...
Seek first His kingdom...
-Dan Nel
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
New Season
Today I came to the realization that I have truly entered a new chapter in my life, a new season. I have come to the understanding the life is not all about wondering what to do next or in an other way it's not worth freaking out if we don't know what step to take. I have realized over the last few months that it's okay to not know were the next few months will take you. I have come such a far way from the kid I used to be 3 and a half years ago when I came to Calgary, to now. It's amazing to see how much you grow up when you are living on your own and you have life stuff to think about. At least this way of life did it for me... This past year of not being in school gave me a chance to honestly reflect my life. I was able to find more of me in the midst, of the person I am and will be forever in God. I mean for sure I will continue growing and becoming more mature in my faith and in life... but I have realized that I need to be more serious when it comes to school and life stuff. It's good to have fun and relax, but there is a time for that. I know that the past few years have felt like time wasted at times, but reflecting I can't say that I have wasted all that time. The events of Gerry Hall and school life has been a huge encouragement in my life... Sometimes I wish I procrastinated less and worked harder, but I don't regret the friendships I made during the times I should have been studying, or the life lessons I have learned while I should have been listening to lectures... Now on the other hand I can say that I have been there, and that I have done that and that now is time to bite down and get her done!
I love life and I love the people in my life, God has blessed me with a great family, wonderful friends and a stellar job that I really can't complain about. But I want to go back to school and finish what God brought me here to start. I love learning about Him and being a part of such a beautiful community of people... God is good..
My brother has moved to Calgary and God has already blessed him with a great job. He has been here for just a bit more then two weeks now. I am glad he is here and that our family can be together in the same place. I appreciate this so much because I know the Lord has called me to do mission work and that would mean that I won't always be near my family in Canada. So I guess these moments are very precious and I want to live them to the fullest. I know that there is no rush... but I am so ready to be done school and do what I want to do full-time.
We keep praying... and life will work out as God intends it to.
Anyway people have a good week...
God bless,
-Dan Nel
I love life and I love the people in my life, God has blessed me with a great family, wonderful friends and a stellar job that I really can't complain about. But I want to go back to school and finish what God brought me here to start. I love learning about Him and being a part of such a beautiful community of people... God is good..
My brother has moved to Calgary and God has already blessed him with a great job. He has been here for just a bit more then two weeks now. I am glad he is here and that our family can be together in the same place. I appreciate this so much because I know the Lord has called me to do mission work and that would mean that I won't always be near my family in Canada. So I guess these moments are very precious and I want to live them to the fullest. I know that there is no rush... but I am so ready to be done school and do what I want to do full-time.
We keep praying... and life will work out as God intends it to.
Anyway people have a good week...
God bless,
-Dan Nel
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Stay Tuned...

It has certainly been a while since I have written anything on this Blog... However a sudden urge let me to revamp a bit and start writing... I want to give a new feel to the bulk of what I will publish on here... I think that I will be creating a photo blog were my pictures can be viewed as well as a blog for my music... So stay tuned as I work on these things... And will keep yall updated as time goes by... But I am still alive and I will start writing again....
Peace be with you,
-Dan Nel
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