I came home from work tonight after having a rather uneventful night or day at work... Things were kinda slow... I was totally just stressed out though today and just thought of all the work I have to do and the papers I have to write...so on and so forth...
There is just so much on my mind these days, I sometimes wonder if God is feeling overloaded by the plethora of issues I have laid on Him in the last week... and that's just me what about the rest of the world... Last night I went out with a whole bunch of people to see a concert that was great... It helped with clearing my mind a bit... we at least temporarily. When I woke up this morning it seemed nothing has change and I was back to square one... Work came and work went and then I went home. Man! as soon as I set foot into my house I felt the Lords presence so genuinely it was a blissful moment. I sat down at my desk and checked my e-mail and what not... and then It hit me... I wasn't sure what it was but I couldn't say it nor could I grasp what this feeling meant, I have never experienced this. I spoke to God and asked Him if he was with me, and if He wanted to speak to me... I know it was a little scary and my heart was pounding... but there was no response just a immediate desire to play guitar... I know! kinda strange.
I picked up a guitar and just prayed and wondered if God wanted me to write a song. And yep I did, I wrote a song for God.
It talks about God's calling in my life for Mission work. It's written in the song... It's a song of thanks giving...
aaaaa (sigh)
God is great,
Good night friends and enjoy your thanks giving
Your Bro in Him,
-Dan Nel
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