Monday, May 09, 2005

New Web-Blog Allert!!

Hi guys.. How's it going. I have decided a few days ago to start a new web blog with Xanga. I did this becuase I find Xanga a bit more user friendly and I just like it better. ANyhooo I am still gonna have this web-blog I just won't update it as much.
Anyhoo my new Weblog can be found @

So yea come check it out and leave a comment if your feelin it...

So yea thats that...

Peace out!!
GOd Bless all


Saturday, May 07, 2005

Back In Cowtown!!!

SO i've moved back to Calgary for good now!!
Im staying here for a while untill im redirected in some other direction by the All Mighty.
SO I'm in the process of finding a full-time day job so I can try working day's, and working at the restuarant at night. To make the mooola!
I hope this summer is filled with some wicked adventures and not just work stories like normally. hahah although we all know that work stories can get pretty funny sometimes!!
I Love telling them!!!
My new roomie moved in a couple of days ago he is a cool guy. His name is Rob and he is the brother of a girl a went to school with last year. He love's his music albums!!!
ANd apparently he has alot. ANd its all coming soon in huge boxes yippy!! We have so much room lol Not!! hahah it's all good it's all part of the Bachelor life "poorness" Experience hahaha.
I started watching 24 the series with Kiefer Sutherland. It's AWSOME!! Ok so many people where telling me about it and I never got a chance to watch it. I finally got around to it on my break when i finshed school... and man was I entertained!!
SEASON 1 down 3 more seasons to go..
If you have never watched 24 you should, It's an amazing show!!

Im gonna go make so mmmmmmmmm Food now so peace out




I sorta forget to mention the fact that I love Wookiees.
SO here's an awsome Wookiee Image. My fave hahah
ANyhoo gatta go write agian later..

Thursday, April 14, 2005

It's been a while...

Well... School is almost over and the summer Work season will begin. I have to work my but of this summer to pay for school in September. ANyway Ii havn't blogged in a while becuase I moved appartments over the last few weeks so i didn't have internet. But im hooked up now and good to go. I am going home for like 10 days at the end of April to visit my family and to say my final goodbyes before I leave back here. I will be living on my own in downtown Calgary untill my parents move out here in June. When I get back from ontario I am going to start helping out at a new church I found and I really like called Dalhousie Community Church. It's not too far from where I am if I take the C-train. I am pumped to start helping out at a church agian. I missed it so much, and I havn't really found a church over my last school year. Hopefully this is the one, I really feel GOd calling me there. So yea I am gonna go there after I get back on May 4th.
I have three exams coming up tommorow and two next week. SO it's hardcore STUDY time... If you know what I mean!!
Anyhoo My dad is coming to town for business so I get to see him for a couple of days that will be fun. We are going to eat at the South-African Restuarant tommorow night. YAYH!! It will be a hoot!!
Im signing of getting ready to study...

Peace Out,

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Music of my mind

SO yesterday I worked at this Wine convention thing downtown Calgary for Wines of South-Africa and it was awsome. THey paid me good cash and I got to learn alot about wines. Plus at the and they gave me 5 botlles of awsome wine. It was a fun day; except now my issue is that I gotta store the wine somewhere becuase I cant have it in my schools residence where it is right now. So hopefully I can fins some altrenate storgae somewhere else untill the summer. It's my dad's birthday tommorow and I cant be there but I guess a phone call will do for now untill I go home at the end of April. I love my dad he is my hero.
This whole year I havnt really been very pumped about this summer coming up becuase I have to work my butt off for school. "If youv'e read my last blog youd understand". But I love my job at JABULANI and hopefully I can find another job aswell that I can work at part-time while working at Jabulani. I have faith that the Lord will provide me with an excellent job just like he did last year. I have like so many paper and things due these next few weeks and I cant wait untill it's all over becuase then I get to go home for a week. YESSSS I cant wait to see my dog. She is so freakin CUTE and my mom says she is getting so smart and just cuter daily. She is so little and freaking adorable. ANyhoo I gatta get back to my work,
I will blog agian later...

Peace Out


Friday, March 18, 2005

My oh My ...

Today was a long and boring day. Except I started playing some Counterstrike on my friends computers and that was kindoff fun.... I am probably hooked. Everyone who plays that game gets hooked hahahha. Other then that I am kinda pissed at some things my school is doing. That goes along with alot of other people I know that feel the same way. THe school is hiking tuition cost to like almost eight hundred dollars compared to the know almost seven hundred per class. They are also saying that they want to start giving out more bursuries...$500 dollar bursuries... WOW so they are taking more money from everyone to give some people their money back. If you think about it, some wont be gettin $500 bucks back so really what their doing is taking money from the kids who dont do well or great and giving it to the people who are really succeeding. That sounds really SKETCH to me... It is not fair. If this is not where the money is going than where is it going.
Next teusday we have this meeting that the students can go to and hear what they have to say, that call it their "proposal" Except we all know they have allready made up their minds.
Tution at this school is allready so much and just to add to it I feel extremely sorry for the souls who have to stay n rez like the first year students. Rex is another huge rip-off. For a one bedroom appartement with a super small fridge and a microwave oven that is on "crack" they squish 2 more into the living room with a sorta devider wall with no door. SO you have four guys living in a 1 bedroom apartement and each pays almost over three thousand dollars a semester to live there. We are here about 7 and a half to 8 motnhs. If you do the math that is like between 14 and 16 hundred dollars a months. For a really small room. And plus it's not even a really nice building. With that kindoff money between the four of us we can rent a Penthouse Condo in a really sweet building probably closer and in the heart of Downtown Calgary.... I dunno if you ask me I think we are getting gipped off.
I don't want to sound like I'm wining but it is true and trust I am not the only one who feels this way about stuff.
"My oh my"
Well these are my thoughts.
Respond if you want to all I'm saying is if you go to this school and don't like these descisions being made come to the meeting on tuesday the 22 of March.
And lets hear this "Proposal"

Anyhoo Im doing allright, it's crunch time of the year alot of things due and exams comin up, oh my oh my....
The life of Dan... and others....
Im going to bed im tired
forgive the spelling it's late...

Peace out

Monday, March 14, 2005

Talking Drunkin gibberish

I had a few days of school becuase we have like this prayer day on tuesday, so no one has classes. Plus i dont have class on monday. So yea it has been a nice ,little long weekend so far, I have done some homework and worked and slept. That is pretty much it; oh yes and of coarse eating...
I did alot of thinking too this weekend and I ended up breaking up with my girl friend... She is an awsome girl and we had a alot fun together, I just didnt feel right about our relationship, it has been hindering me for a while.. Anyhoo we still talk and I think and hope that everything will work out fine and that we can continue to be awsome friends. She is definitaly an awsome girl.
Other than that eventfull night I am doing pretty good, I am eager to go home for a week at the end of APril to say the final bye to my friends and Church. My parents move to Calgary in June so I will be here waiting for their arrival. I have some school papers to write and three final exams to study for so I'll be pretty busy untill I go home, but when I do it will be a nice little break.
I think we are having a poker game tonight, that should be pretty fun i think
enough said .
I'll blurb agian later
Peace out ,...

Saturday, March 12, 2005


Allrighty then... So I started working at this restuarant on 17th Ave. Downtown Calgary Called Jabulani South-African Restuarant. I am thrilled that I got the job there, it is just such an awsome place to work at I must say. All the staff members are awsome and very kind... And the best part is, most of them speak my home Language Afrikaans. I started working there on Wednesday of last week and it has been going great. I love the restuarant atmosphere and I absolutely love the fact the a ton of the customers are also from South-Africa. It is also great to see others cultures come in too. It shows you that not everyone is boring and only stick to their own cultures food. THese people come out and they want to experience a little South-Africa for them selves. With the huge selection of wines and South-African beers, who wouldn't want to not come experience it for them selves. Not to mention the freshly made by the owner's Biltong and Droe Wors, an awsome South-African treat for anyone. Then we get to the amazing main coarse meals and awsome desserts, wow.... I am drooling. They serve Boerewors and Oxtail and Cape Malay Curry, Lamb potjie and One of South-Africa's main dishes Boboti. THere are just so many more I can mention but lets go on to the amazing dessert menu. Koeksisters, yes thats right freshly made koeksisters by the head chef, and also Milk tart(Melk tert) they also serve Bannana Samousas smothered in chocolate sauce and frsehly wipped cream this is definitaly a customer favourite.
It is an awsome restuarant and I really think if you are in the Calgary Area you should look it up and come in for some South-African food.

Anyhoo I Am heading off

Peace out...
THe Rhino

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A new Song written....

Here is a song I wrote after writing a paper for one of my classes. The paper was on Sanctification and while I was researching I stumbled across this cadence written by Isaac Watts. It is the first verse in the song. I thought it was so beautiful so I was inspired to write a song with it. I hope you like it oh and please do comment.


Written by: Isaac Watts (Sweet is the Work, my God, My King Psalm 97) and Dan Nel.

Music by: Dan Nel

Sin (my worst enemy before)
Shall vex my eyes and ears no more;
My inward foes shall all be slain,
Nor Satan break my peace again.

Sweet is the work, my God, my King,
To praise Thy Name, give thanks and sing,
To show Thy love by morning light
And talk of all Thy truth at night.

We need to be sanctified like the Holy one
To become like our King
Set apart from the wicked things
To be Holy and live eternally
Sanctified, sanctified

Sweet is the day of sacred rest,
No mortal cares shall seize my breast.
O may my heart in tune be found
Like David’s harp of solemn sound!

When darkness falls we rest our heads
The dreams of Zion in our beds
The trumpets blow a crashing sound
God‘s zealous love In which were found

We need to be sanctified like the Holy one
To become like our King
Set apart from the wicked things
To be Holy and live eternally

Sanctified, sanctified
Let us be, oh sanctified

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Brain thoughts....

Since my last post I have not done much. However I have been stressed out a bit over some discisions for next year and where to work over the summer. My parents are moving to Alberta about 30 minutes from where I am, they moved an offer on a house this past week. No they are just waiting for there house to sell things can be finall. With them moving here it leaves me the option to live with them next year during the school year. It will definitaly save me alot of money and the commute is not that long. That does take away from living in res though and being part of the community, so it is a tough discision but i have to some thime to think about it I guess. I also need to work my but of this summer to pay of my line of credit in order to renew it for the next year. It should work out I just need to get a good paying job. I leave all these things in GOd's hands all I can do is apply at places and have Faith.
I have alot of school work and my last midterm next week, not to mension the assignment I have due for tommorow and the reading I need to do. But hey that is the life of a student hahahaha. After this semester is over I will stay in residence with a couple of guys for the summer and then decide wheter to move in with my parent or stay here. SO many things to think about.
THis year so far has gone by really fast. I have had some real dissapointments with my performance in school first semester atleast I didnt fail anything though. This semester I have definitally been working harder and I hope to bring my GPA up huge.
If you read my blog often please forgive the spelling english is my second language. I am south-african and moved to Canada in 1997. So my first language is AFrikaans.
Anyhoo I am gonna hit the books and get working...

Peace out

Friday, February 18, 2005

"This is my desire"....

This last week that just past was an awsome experience. I went to a silent retreat centre in the foot hills of the Rocky mountians in Alberta. The place is called Kingsfold retreat centre. THe reason I went was becuase I was attending a spiritual discipline seminar for the week there. Our instructor was Marylin Martin a spiritual life director from Ottawa Ontario. She was really kool and had a real genuine spirit for God. During the week we were able to experience a number of different things. We did communion everyday and practiced certain disciplined ways to pray. We learned how to set up a "rule of life" for our selves. This week was great we were able to go for long walks in the foothills of the mountains and just see the beauty of this amazing site. One day of our week there we fasted and had a day of silence where we did not speak or eat. It was pretty interesting not to talk , however I did not find this day to be difficult. THe Lord was definitaly working in my heart. Over all I would say it was a good get-a-way week and it was nice to just be away from the city and alot of school work.

THe Lord taught me alot of things about myself during my times of sollitude , I have realiized that my life needs to Focus on Him in everything I do. There are too many things here at school that I focus on and it's hard to have a clear mind to truly engage in a good time of prayer and genuine relationship with Christ. SO I have come back and I need to make some changes in my life. I realized how much I need GOd in this time in my life and how little I actually give Him. I need to discipline myself and start living for my God. Over this week GOd has taught me alot about humility and that I need to put othere ahead of me. But I cant do this untill I start to live everday for Him by giving Him all I can and have. It's gonna be tough but I know God will help me get there.
It's just aout actually wanting it... ANd I do...
My prayer is that God would Humble, break, strenghten and grow me in Him.
He is the Love of my Life, He is what I need to Live, He is the bread of my Life.

I love GOd with all my heart...
I am going to make it my atmost effort to work on my spiritual life for the rest of this semester. I want to change for my GOd and be how he wants me to be.
This will be my Goal and the next challenge in my life.

Peace out....


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Yay for All-nighters....

Wow... one whole pot of coffee and and mind working like a steam engine later, I have a theology paper on the "Humanity of Christ". It really wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Sometimes when you procrastinate just all of a sudden decide not to. I mean i though this paper would take me like an hour or two and then I got into the research and I can't even begin to tell you how amazing this info is. I might publish my paper on my blog tommorow so ya'll can read it but remember im no writer!! Haahah i just got my paper back from my girlfriend who proof read t for me. I told her to make sure her pen still had ink left in it. HAHAHAH. She is awsome and I really appreciate that she stayed up till well pretty much 6 am to finish proofing it for me. Talk about an awsome girl ....
Anyhoo yea So I won some money in poker tonight here with the boys it was totally fun. Poker is for sure a fun hobby. If you have never played well... Get to it!!! My eyes definitally sting right now and my spelling skills are degrading as the clock ticks haha. So maybe it is time to sign off and yess
I will try to write some more tommorow and i will publish my paper...

Peace out

Monday, January 31, 2005

Mafia, Poker and Papers...

Today was an eventfull day atleast for oneday... I did not go to Church today. . . I wanted to listen to James MCdonald speak online on except I slept untill 2 pm. So I had a good sleep. After I woke up I started going over some work for my group assignment that I had a meeting for at 3 pm. The meeting was rather brief leaving us with some more reading and another meeting time for Tuesday. After this meeting I read for 2 hours for my theology paper due on tuesday. Tommorow is definitaly paper day... After that a friend came and got me to go play mafia with them... SOunds rather sac religious in a way. Hahah but it is actually probably one of the best group games I have ever played. If you have never played mafia write me a comment and I will explain it to you... All i can say is that it doesn't envolve alot of anything except for people and like a few playing cards. It is truly awsome, After playin mafia I made a nice dinner for some friends and then we had a nice long amazing Jam session. I have realized once agian how amazing acapella music melts me. hahha that was cheese!!! It is very true though, After singning with an Acapella group for 2 years and recording a cd, it makes me melt when I hear beautifull voices harmonize.
Our jam session was amazing and followed with another time of fellowship with my boys from 3rd floor in an awsome poker game. Ahaaahha Today was great, I got school work done and got to hang out with amazing people.
Except for one little thing I didnt Listen to James Mcdonald and I really wanted to today... So after my poker game I went online to James' website and spent some time listening to an awsome message on " Teaching sound doctrine" and not being false teachers. It was pretty good and I enjoyed it alot. YOu can hear it to if ya want, just go online to

ANyway I am about to go to bed and have a good rest before I tackle that paper tommorow.
Always remember not to let God slip out of your day like I almost did today. He gives us everything and blesses us with all we have.. therefor we need to give Him credit for everything in our day...
THank you God!!!

Peace out!

p.s. - "Do it" for Him

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Dream Big...

Fog, Fog and more Fog, this weather is nasty but atleast it's not freezing cold. I kind of wished I could be somewhere warm right now working for God and I wish I could be done my schooling and missionary training and just be out there working passionately for Him. I dont like money, as a matter of fact I hate it. I don't know how one can become so money hungry and just run and strive for money and all you ever care about is running after material things and having a nice life. I dunno I guess not EVERYONE sees life the same way as me, and therefor it's not worth explaining myself. It's hard to keep ones thoughts in when in doing that you hide your true dreams and your true calling from God. I dunno what else to say about that, all I know is that one day Lord willingly I will be a Missionary with the Christian and Missionary Alliance and If it is God's will for my life I will be the best missionary I can be.
Anyway it's foggy out but monday's seventeen degree weather forcast will make up for today. I went and saw Ray tonight, It was an awsome movie. I never new much about the life of Ray Charles , and I dont know how accurate this movie was but i enjoyed it. THe music in the movie was great and very entertaining, it even gave me some insparation. I love music and love performing myself, I dont think I'll ever be Ray charles but I hope that I can write music that would influence others.
So I guess what I am saying to you all out there who are talented and have dreams. Don't throw them away becuase something is dragging you down, cut what ever it is that is dragging you down and strive for your dreams. "Do it" You will see , just remember however to give God all the glory and all the credit for your life success. And one more thing don't be selfish share your gifts and traing and love and passion with others who cant dream big becuase they dont have opportunities like we do in Canada. SHare with them and help their dreams come true. And while you're at it share the truth about GOd with them as well.

Enough said....
It's time to go play some poker with my boys... AUC guys your'e the bomb!!

Peace out...

Thursday, January 27, 2005

After hours...

Well, I told you about my day and my interview and stuff except not about the guy's car I had to back up into a spot. This is halarious.... So I'm walking home from the interview and yea this guy get out of his that was sort-of wedged I guess you could say between other cars and he says " Excuse me sir!! Do you know how to back in a car?" I was pretty flushed but i said yes and then he asked me to back his car into a spot. This guy was like thirty five.. I hope he doesn't read Blogs... that would be ironic and funny...however I would feel kind of bad.
After my little occurrence with the man and the nice car , I went up to my appartment wanting to take a sweet nap, except as an alternative I just sat down and started to play some online poker, had a nice cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin. Following that I read a chapter in my Philosophy text on William James. He is cool, he says "There can be no difference anywhere that does not make a difference elsewhere." What are your thoughts about that??? If you have comments feel free to intrigue me... I would like to hear your thoughts on that quote.
Well I am sitting here now, thinking about how quickly this day went by, and I dont really feel like I have done anything yet, all day. Except for the fact that I actually have done a fair bit of things. I think when you do stuff sometimes you dont take into account the time that goes by becuase maybe you like what you are doing... but then that doesnt work in some sense becuase normaly you remember something that was fun and that you like doing. So I guess I could say that I had a very dull non-exciting day that wasnt fun except for the man and the car incident. I just mean this day weangt by fast without memory. It's like another day gone without a lasting memory. Or maybe this Blog will remind of it. Time truly flies by....before I know it I'll be an old man. All I want is to do something memorable in my life that will be remembered by people. And most importantly want it to be something that glorifies God my Father. After all he formed me and he has something instore for me. "I'll just have to see where His lyrics take me.

Write me a comment and tell me about a memorable moment you have that is important to you. Then if you want tell me if you think your moment was significant to others, and why it will be remembered...

Anyway enough of me....
Write away...try to be creative
Peace out

His, Dan

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Today was a good day...

Today was a rather good day, although I only had three and a half hours of sleep. I woke up this morning and got ready for my interview with Enrollment... The interview was almost two hours and I definitaly think I did well. I hope I get the job it will be really good for me and it will help me to organize and discipline my life. Last night we played poker for a while it was fun but it definitaly wasn't in the cards for me last night. Oh well ya win games and ya loose games... I have to do a good amount of reading tonight and tommorow, im just glad we dont have class today or tommorow, gives ya a little space to breathe...
Anyhoo, that is what's happening today... From now on I am going to try living each day as it comes instead of thinking about tommorow and a year from now.
Peace out...

His, Dan