Thursday, February 24, 2005

Brain thoughts....

Since my last post I have not done much. However I have been stressed out a bit over some discisions for next year and where to work over the summer. My parents are moving to Alberta about 30 minutes from where I am, they moved an offer on a house this past week. No they are just waiting for there house to sell things can be finall. With them moving here it leaves me the option to live with them next year during the school year. It will definitaly save me alot of money and the commute is not that long. That does take away from living in res though and being part of the community, so it is a tough discision but i have to some thime to think about it I guess. I also need to work my but of this summer to pay of my line of credit in order to renew it for the next year. It should work out I just need to get a good paying job. I leave all these things in GOd's hands all I can do is apply at places and have Faith.
I have alot of school work and my last midterm next week, not to mension the assignment I have due for tommorow and the reading I need to do. But hey that is the life of a student hahahaha. After this semester is over I will stay in residence with a couple of guys for the summer and then decide wheter to move in with my parent or stay here. SO many things to think about.
THis year so far has gone by really fast. I have had some real dissapointments with my performance in school first semester atleast I didnt fail anything though. This semester I have definitally been working harder and I hope to bring my GPA up huge.
If you read my blog often please forgive the spelling english is my second language. I am south-african and moved to Canada in 1997. So my first language is AFrikaans.
Anyhoo I am gonna hit the books and get working...

Peace out

Friday, February 18, 2005

"This is my desire"....

This last week that just past was an awsome experience. I went to a silent retreat centre in the foot hills of the Rocky mountians in Alberta. The place is called Kingsfold retreat centre. THe reason I went was becuase I was attending a spiritual discipline seminar for the week there. Our instructor was Marylin Martin a spiritual life director from Ottawa Ontario. She was really kool and had a real genuine spirit for God. During the week we were able to experience a number of different things. We did communion everyday and practiced certain disciplined ways to pray. We learned how to set up a "rule of life" for our selves. This week was great we were able to go for long walks in the foothills of the mountains and just see the beauty of this amazing site. One day of our week there we fasted and had a day of silence where we did not speak or eat. It was pretty interesting not to talk , however I did not find this day to be difficult. THe Lord was definitaly working in my heart. Over all I would say it was a good get-a-way week and it was nice to just be away from the city and alot of school work.

THe Lord taught me alot of things about myself during my times of sollitude , I have realiized that my life needs to Focus on Him in everything I do. There are too many things here at school that I focus on and it's hard to have a clear mind to truly engage in a good time of prayer and genuine relationship with Christ. SO I have come back and I need to make some changes in my life. I realized how much I need GOd in this time in my life and how little I actually give Him. I need to discipline myself and start living for my God. Over this week GOd has taught me alot about humility and that I need to put othere ahead of me. But I cant do this untill I start to live everday for Him by giving Him all I can and have. It's gonna be tough but I know God will help me get there.
It's just aout actually wanting it... ANd I do...
My prayer is that God would Humble, break, strenghten and grow me in Him.
He is the Love of my Life, He is what I need to Live, He is the bread of my Life.

I love GOd with all my heart...
I am going to make it my atmost effort to work on my spiritual life for the rest of this semester. I want to change for my GOd and be how he wants me to be.
This will be my Goal and the next challenge in my life.

Peace out....


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Yay for All-nighters....

Wow... one whole pot of coffee and and mind working like a steam engine later, I have a theology paper on the "Humanity of Christ". It really wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Sometimes when you procrastinate just all of a sudden decide not to. I mean i though this paper would take me like an hour or two and then I got into the research and I can't even begin to tell you how amazing this info is. I might publish my paper on my blog tommorow so ya'll can read it but remember im no writer!! Haahah i just got my paper back from my girlfriend who proof read t for me. I told her to make sure her pen still had ink left in it. HAHAHAH. She is awsome and I really appreciate that she stayed up till well pretty much 6 am to finish proofing it for me. Talk about an awsome girl ....
Anyhoo yea So I won some money in poker tonight here with the boys it was totally fun. Poker is for sure a fun hobby. If you have never played well... Get to it!!! My eyes definitally sting right now and my spelling skills are degrading as the clock ticks haha. So maybe it is time to sign off and yess
I will try to write some more tommorow and i will publish my paper...

Peace out