Saturday, January 29, 2005

Dream Big...

Fog, Fog and more Fog, this weather is nasty but atleast it's not freezing cold. I kind of wished I could be somewhere warm right now working for God and I wish I could be done my schooling and missionary training and just be out there working passionately for Him. I dont like money, as a matter of fact I hate it. I don't know how one can become so money hungry and just run and strive for money and all you ever care about is running after material things and having a nice life. I dunno I guess not EVERYONE sees life the same way as me, and therefor it's not worth explaining myself. It's hard to keep ones thoughts in when in doing that you hide your true dreams and your true calling from God. I dunno what else to say about that, all I know is that one day Lord willingly I will be a Missionary with the Christian and Missionary Alliance and If it is God's will for my life I will be the best missionary I can be.
Anyway it's foggy out but monday's seventeen degree weather forcast will make up for today. I went and saw Ray tonight, It was an awsome movie. I never new much about the life of Ray Charles , and I dont know how accurate this movie was but i enjoyed it. THe music in the movie was great and very entertaining, it even gave me some insparation. I love music and love performing myself, I dont think I'll ever be Ray charles but I hope that I can write music that would influence others.
So I guess what I am saying to you all out there who are talented and have dreams. Don't throw them away becuase something is dragging you down, cut what ever it is that is dragging you down and strive for your dreams. "Do it" You will see , just remember however to give God all the glory and all the credit for your life success. And one more thing don't be selfish share your gifts and traing and love and passion with others who cant dream big becuase they dont have opportunities like we do in Canada. SHare with them and help their dreams come true. And while you're at it share the truth about GOd with them as well.

Enough said....
It's time to go play some poker with my boys... AUC guys your'e the bomb!!

Peace out...


Anonymous said...

Hi there brother,

It's really great to hear you could back in that dude's car for him. I think I am definitely one of those people who'd need someone like you around to back my car in (it's sad, because i am supposed to get my G in a bit more than a week....eeeek) oh and I definitely need someone like you to cook me food too, I'm useless.

I am glad u have a blog.
I miss you. I don't get to talk to you as much as i'd like, but at least now i can read some of your insides.


Bollie i think you know this already but i will write it anyways:
" I wish I could be done my schooling and missionary training and just be out there working passionately for Him."
it's natural for us to want the future to be here already. I can't wait to be done my nursing, its giving me cramps.
But as you said, you want to live in the moment of everyday.
I had to change my thinking at some point. I was so hung up in "When i'm done school..." or "when I am in the mission field". God made it clear to me that if I can't be a missionary right here, there's no point for me to be one in say MExico or Calcutta.
Some of Jesus last words to his disciples, (and us, for we are disciples indeed), are: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” ACts 1:8.

To me He is saying: Merissa you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witness in Newmarket, in all ONtario and Canada, and to the ends of the earth.
REad that and fill in Dan for Merissa, and Calgary and Alberta respectively.
You don't need schooling from CTS or wherever to be a missionary. Jesus never said: "Go to Bible college and be my discipless to the end of the earth" He said "the HOly SPirit will come upon you" You already have the Holy SPirit, i know that.

I guess you get my point.
Dan, when I started thinking this way, that is when I started living for today, thinking of today.And seeing God's hand in everyday encounters, such as the man who needed u to back up his car, or which brings me to one of the most memorable moments in my life: when I was just working , as usual, and that lady at the nursing home who was dying, asked me how she can know Jesus.

I agree with us going for our dreams. God gives us dreams, we have to make sure ours are in line with HIs will of course, but He definitely gives us the desires of our hearts if we commit our way to him (Psalm 37). That's INCREDIBLE.

He is beauty.

Hey i'm listening to Laurell hubick, she's a pretty cool chick.

I'd like to talk sometime.
Call me or let me know when I can call you.

REad my blurty (and now that i've responded here, i expect you to respond to mine!)hehehe.

I love you


ps. peel the orange (my version of saying, do it)

Anonymous said...


Be careful that the weather here in Cow-town doesn't push you around. You have to take charge and tell it when it is misbehaving. A well placed head-butt to a cloud or two may be in order.

As for money, I would pay it less atention. Spend less, worry less and work hard. That's all I can say about that I suppose.


Joel said...


Be careful that the weather here in Cow-town doesn't push you around. You have to take charge and tell it when it is misbehaving. A well placed head-butt to a cloud or two may be in order.

As for money, I would pay it less atention. Spend less, worry less and work hard. That's all I can say about that I suppose.
