Monday, February 16, 2009


Fast lives - © Dan Nel Photography 2008

A new song brings me here tonight... as per my last entry I mentioned I felt something like a new song brewing.. Well it brewed and it's different than anything I've written. I feel like I'm discovering a new way of writing music... and that really excites me. Can't go without saying that I think David Gray (my fave) has some influence on that. I have been listening to this man for the better part of 5 years now and I must say I am really into his stuff. He is by far the best song writer I have listened to ever. Anyhow so I think he has inspired me, through his work to write in a new way. Try to anyhow.. I think it's working.
This isn't all that interesting however, it is a huge breakthrough for me.. if you are someone who writes music or anything, then you might understand. It's like you get to a certain place in your writing where you feel like it's mundane and not getting anywhere. Anyhow, I just broke free from that. It feels nice.. Perhaps you might understand.
Life is good... Valentines weekend was great.. Spent time with my lady, it was great. Also got to see my family on Sunday which is always great to have everyone together.. Well, the 6 of us anyhow.. oh 7 actually can't forget to include psycho Jodi, our dog... hehe she is another topic all together. I love her though.

That's all for now folks... -Dan

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