Thursday, September 28, 2006

The return...

I want to just come out and say it... I have many issues.. I need to deal with them, and don't get me wrong. I am definitely not screwed up, but I just think I am out of the "norm". Dealing with my issues is something I have been doing a lot lately. Seeking God and asking Him where I stand in the whole "Him and I" thing we have going. Thus far I have realized that I need Him in so much more of my life than I actually allow Him. It's like I have created this little cage or box in the past of things I allowed God to help me with, and the rest I tried to tackle on my own. Well..hehe let me tell you how badly I have failed... We can not have everything our hearts desire and God at the same time. That my friends I learned the hard way. However, Here I stand... How far will God take me... Here I run... How far will God go with me... It's when I fall broken before His feet that He says, okay lets get up and try again.
Friends, God is so good even if we sometimes fail to see Him in our lives, or when we are so weak that we think we are worthless to the world. We are merely beings of God shaped by Him to accomplish His will.
I will seek Him for the rest of my life, and I will learn new things about myself for the rest of my life too. When I am weak God is my Strength...

I am nowhere near where God is taking me... But I say "bring on the journey". Because it's what lies at the end of the road that I am most excited for.

I love you guys...


justmeghs said...

i'm excited for you dan :) the journey is never over until we reach enjoy your travels with the Lord, whether you're stuck in pits and rocks and despair or on the top of a mountain looking over the world. praise God for being faithful! i'm praying for you

Merissa said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost!